Who We Are

We are a rich, diverse, P to 12 learning community, where Christian faith permeates all aspects of school life, including how we bring learning to life and in the relationships that we share.

Our heart is to nurture all students, regardless of ability, skill or interest. At NCS, all students are loved and valued for who they are, not just what they can do. 


Under the authority of scripture, confident in grace, and in partnership with parents, Nepean Christian School seeks to grow young men and women who:

  • Love God and seek to live lives worthy of His calling
  • Live to serve others as though serving Christ
  • Enjoy all of God’s gifts
  • Steward His creation
  • Revel in the joy of lifelong learning
  • Worship their creator through creativity


Our mission is to unfold authentic, adventurous and accessible Christian education, founded on the Bible, within a community where God is glorified and enjoyed.

Why Choose Nepean Christian School

Families are at the heart of our school

We believe the relationship between you and your school is pivotal to a child’s growth. We are about developing young men and women to enjoy all of God’s good gifts; to love learning and to work together to build community.

It’s the little things that set us apart, like knowing every child by name and teachers who get to know students as individuals. It’s in the community that’s built on cooperation rather than competition. It echoes in the laughter, the friendships and the engagement.
We believe that these things make us a place of learning like no other.

Partnering with parents

Families are at the heart of our school and that is reflected throughout the life of the school. We often say that we don’t enrol students; we invite families to join our community. Parents, grandparents and siblings are just as much a part of the school as students. We love the involvement of family members in the classroom as well as on camps and excursions. We encourage a close relationship between you and your child’s teacher and value good and personal communication.

NCS is also a Christian parent-governed school. We believe that God has trusted you with the joyful responsibility of raising your children in accordance with the truth of scripture. The role of the school is to partner with you, assisting you in this responsibility.

The school was established in 1983 by parents to provide a Christian education to ‘honour and empower the right, responsibility and privilege of Christian parents to educate their children’. Parents continue to provide governance for the school through the Board and the Association. Current and past parents, grandparents and carers who are able to demonstrate a commitment to the Statement of Faith and the Foundational Statement can apply to become members of the Association.


Our commitment is to grow young men and women with hands equipped to lead and hearts given to serve. From Kindergarten, we begin to teach children care and compassion towards one another. Those responsibilities grow, culminating in service activities and Leadership Projects as part of the Senior College program.

Students are encouraged to engage locally through school, church and family as well as serving internationally through our partnerships with our sister school in Vanuatu.

Bushland Setting

Our school is nestled on the banks of Mulgoa Creek and surrounded by Cumberland woodland. It’s a haven for students to enjoy a peaceful bushland setting surrounded by native wildlife.


NCS is committed to being an affordable school. We strive to keep fees at their lowest possible level, knowing that you make significant sacrifices to send your children to the school. At the same time, we are committed to providing your children with the best possible education and facilities in which to learn.

Our tuition fee is an ‘inclusive’ package that includes tuition, sports camps and excursions.

The school offers generous sibling discounts.


We value the sense of community that is built around a strong faith and a genuine commitment to care. NCS is large enough to offer the broadest range of subjects but small enough to ensure that no child falls through the cracks. It is a place where the principal knows each child by their name and where parents and teachers address each other on a first name basis. It is a community where parents regularly get together to support one another and grow strong friendships. It is a school where you will be made to feel as welcome as your children.
It’s the kind of place that all schools should be like… It’s just who we are.


As a school we want students to know that there is an exciting world that extends beyond Mulgoa, beyond Western Sydney, beyond Australia. We have a sister school in Vanuatu, with whom we share deep bonds of friendship. Every year we send all of Year 11 to Vanuatu, to serve for a short period in our sister school, in Port Vila. Every year our sister school sends us their Year 8 students. This reciprocal arrangement broadens students’ understanding of the world and opens opportunities for international service.

As part of our commitment to thinking beyond our own culture, students begin learning a second language (French) in Infants, which then continues into high school.


As a Christian school, we are grounded in the authority of the Bible as God’s message of salvation. Students engage with the whole of the Bible across the curriculum and through every part of school life. Our policies and procedures reflect the centrality of scripture to the way that we live in community together.